Ben Harper und Rhiannon Giddens – im Duett mit dem Nick Drake Song “Black Eyed Dog”

Die US Künstler Ben Harper & Rhiannon Giddens, die ja beide das weite Feld der amerikanischen Roots Musik „bearbeiten“ haben erstmalig für ein Duett zusammengefunden und den Nick Drake Klassiker „BLACK EYED DOG“ aufgenommen.

Harper dazu : “Rhiannon and I are both black purveyors of American roots music, and while this is not an anomaly, it is an exception within a subculture. We have unquestionably tapped into the same creative well of influence, carrying on the tradition through our own individual instincts and perspectives.”

O -Ton Rhiannon Giddens:“I’ve been hearing and hearing about Ben Harper for a long time, but had never gotten to meet him until recently at an event in LA and I was immediately struck by a kindred spirit.Didn’t have as much to do with the kind of music we play, although we share many, many commonalities as black folk playing roots music, but more to do with the spirit that we access when we play it. I felt that spirit in him right off and knew if we ever got the chance, we could make something beautiful together.“

Text: Pressemitteilung

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